require ('ROCR')
require ('rpart')
if(DIR != "" ){
if(substr(x = DIR, start = nchar(DIR), stop = nchar(DIR)) != "/" ){
DIR <- paste0(DIR,"/")
jpeg(filename = paste0(DIR ,LABEL,"ROC.jpeg") , width = 20, height = 20, units = "cm", res = 250, bg = "white" )
par(las = 1)
pred <- prediction (ModelProb, test [,ncol(test)])
perf <- performance (pred, 'tpr', 'fpr')
gini <- (unlist (performance (pred, measure = 'auc')@y.values) - .5) / .5
ks <- max (unlist (perf@y.values) - unlist (perf@x.values))
plot (x= 100 * unlist (perf@x.values), y = 100 * unlist (perf@y.values), type= 'l', lwd = 3
, col =2, xaxs = 'i', yaxs = 'i', yaxt = 'n', xlab = '% falsos positivos', ylab = '% verdaderos positivos')
abline (a=0, b=1, lty = 5)
legend ('bottomright', 'hi', paste0 ('Gini = ', round (100*gini, 1), '%\n', 'Ks = ', round (100*ks,1), '%\n\n'))
return( list(gini = gini , ks = ks, aucDf = data.frame( real = 100 * unlist (perf@x.values), y = 100 * unlist (perf@y.values))))
FuncionCV <-
function( dtrain_dt, labelVector
, PosEta = seq( from = 0.15, to = 0.35, by = 0.1)
, PosDep = seq( from = 1, to = 5, by = 2)
, PosLoops = seq( from = 200, to = 300, by = 50)
, objective = "binary:logistic"
, nfold = 10, missing = "NAN", eval_metric = "auc"){
ConfiDep <- c()
ConfiLoops <- c()
ConfiEta <- c()
AUCres <- c()
j <- 1
for(loops in PosLoops){
cat( "\n=====================\n", loops, "\n=====================\n" )
for(maxD in PosDep){
for(Ceta in PosEta){
model_check <- (data = dtrain,
label = label,
nrounds = loops,
eta = Ceta,
max_depth = maxD,
nfold = nfold, # Con 10 es que coge uno a 10.
objective = objective,
eval_metric = eval_metric,
pred = TRUE,
missing = missing)
val <- glmnet::auc( y = label
, prob = model_check$pred)
ROC(ModelProb = model_check$pred, test = data.frame(label), SAVE = FALSE )
title( paste0( "eta = ", Ceta, ", max_depth =", maxD,", nrounds = ",loops ) )
AUCres[j] <- val
ConfiDep[j] <- maxD
ConfiEta[j] <- Ceta
ConfiLoops[j] <- loops
j <- j + 1
Resumen <-
data.frame( AUCres = AUCres
, GiniRes = AUCres *2 -1
, ConfiDep = ConfiDep
, ConfiEta = ConfiEta
, ConfiLoops = ConfiLoops)
return( Resumen)
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